We have more than 500 bags in stock. We have the largest selection of pre-owned luxury hand bags like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Gucci, Prada, Balenciaga, etc. Most of our stocks are pre-owned but some are very slightly used or even better brought straight out from the store and haven't been used at all. You will be surprised to find your dream bag at 30% to 70% lower than the brand new price!
Do you have a bag you no longer want or need? We will give you CASH on the spot for your pre-owned bags. Our prices vary according to brand, type, age, supply, demand and condition of the item (Original receipt, certificates, boxes and dust bags can also help increase the price). Give us a call now to know more about it!
Need cash but don't want to let go of your precious bag? Why don't you just sell the item to us but keep the right to buy it back within a month. You do need to pay 10% of the sale price as storage fee, but you don't need to worry if you won't be able to buy it back within a month cause you can extend your right to buy it back by paying additional 10% storage fee for another whole month extension. To learn more about this, call us now!
Tired of using the same bag and fancy having another one? Bring your bags to us and check out our stocks. Chances are, you will find one you want to swap with!